I'll update this post with any relevant information tomorrow:
Update (23/2):
Much of what was discussed in our short time with Cllr Basil McCrea reinforced what is already being undertaken. In addition, Mr McCrea did suggest we consider -
- Initiating a judicial review, based principally around the equality issue. There is obviously cost involved so we are at this point quietly attempting to determine whether this is being pursued already (it only necessitates one judicial review rather than some form of class action apparently). That the application could be made on behalf of one of the pupils, would mean legal aid could be sought given the person would be considered a minor.
- Contentious perhaps, but establishing commom agreement with some perhaps more obscure bodies - for example the Catholic Church (encourage the support of the family, its freedom and right to choose to support one's child, maintaining the interest of the child) or similar.. no small undertaking
- Leveraging the media - a rather difficult topic, including finding the right spokesperson (someone with whom the public would associate "with" rather than associating them "with wealth and priviledge"; difficult too in finding the right medium to convey the message
On the subject of the final point, I would ask that we make time to thank the endeavours of our school Principal, who took the opportunity to direct the Spectator, currently constructing an article for publication this week in relation to the general funding issue, towards a Cygnet House parent for comment.
Mr McCrea was somewhat more considered about the possibility of the proposal being considered "novel and controversial" (neccessary to effect the referral of the issue to the Assembly to determine a majority position). I shall be reverting to Mr Mervyn Storey (chairman of the Education Committee from whom recent correspondence suggested a somewhat more positive outcome was possible/probable.
Post updated with summary of today's discussions
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