Regent House
Ian & Julie Rainey have setup a Blog on behalf of Regent House Prep's concerned parents. I've published a link at the top of blog home page as well as within the "Useful Links" frame, top right of the blog homepage.Campbell College
We have received correspondence from parents of pupils attending Campbell College Junior school. I hope to receive an update on Campbell's stance over the next day or so
Conor House
Conor House have conducted a Board of Governors and Parents meeting (Feb 11th), where the group was encouraged to lobby MLAs and MPs.
An exerpt on the meeting:
If the funding is removed they are talking of fees at £4,500 per annum. They projected fees if they were staggered over the next three years.
It was mentioned by the head of Bangor Grammar on at least two occasions that Connor House was in a much more secure position because it owns its own grounds. He spoke of Controlled Grammars and how they were in a ‘difficult position’. At the end of the meeting he suggested that preps might be forced to amalgamate.
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