Regent House BoG meeting

Shared this a day or so ago, but wanted to maintain the blog.. 

(Saturday 27th Feb)
Will try and rationalise what is being said tomorrow (later today) but wanted to let you know that Ian has published an audio transcript of both one facet  (Jonathan Bell) of their meeting as well as the full blown version of the meeting held by Regent House's BoG on Thursday.
Full audio can be found here:

The meeting starts with a less than enthusiastic point made (by Roy McFerran, Chairman of Regent House Board of Governors) that parents may leave none the wiser but the meeting provided insight into position and activities!!

In the more succinct excerpt,  Jonathan starts out by stating his reasonable confidence that the proposal can be blocked. He states he as with others, is certainly scared but reaffirms his belief.
He speaks of the Human Rights commission and the contention that is made with them (specifically in regard to pupils that have been treated unfairly as a consequence of the risk that their school may close)
He also speaks of the "Novel and Contentious" issue (which I'm struggling to clearing decipher in the context of his point) and that it has progressed to three ministers (I understand the purpose of the Novel and contentious point just not what he is saying)

He encourages written communication to the HRC and the Equality Commission.

Will listen more later but wanted to share ...


Julie Rainey said...


I was at this meeting. Both Mervyn Storey, Chairman of the Assemby's Education Committee and Jonathan Bell MLA, spoke very well and were honest and positive in many ways. I believe there are 3 reasons that minister decisions can be overturned by the Executive if they are deemed "novel, contentious or cross-cutting". Prep funding can fall into 2 of these, contentious for obvious reasons and also cross-cutting as the requirement for Prep children being 100% funded by DENI in Primary Schools "cuts" into the Finance Minister department.

That's the impression I got, correct me if I'm wrong!

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